Friday, 11 December 2009

Analysis of Silence of the lambs in comparison to one hour photo Cont.

Chris and Ollie here. Personally I (chris) enjoyed the one hour photo opening sequence more than the Silence of the lambs because I found the opening had far more impact than the silence. There was a lot more suspense build-up in one hour photo, and it felt alot more immersive. Whereas the silence of the lambs was more blunt, and i felt that the opening sequence repelled the viewer rather than drawing them in. This was mainly because of the obscuring nature of the titles, which broke the immersion for me personally.

I (ollie) thought that the main difference between the opening sequences of one hour photo and the silence of the lambs was that one hour photo's intention is to create an air of suspense and mystery whilst relating to the theme of the movie by having the producers and actors names slide-wipe across the screen as if they were photo negatives. whereas silence of the lambs is jumping straight into the movie with the clip of the women running the assault course. however i feel this is not nearly as effective as one our photo because the whole clip is stifled by the names of the producers and actors in large bold font. this takes up much of the screen and does not immerse the viewer in the movie.

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