Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Intro outline

Hey guys All of us here

Scene One is essentially set in stone for us now we have a detailed understanding for what we want to do for it. a few minor details such as specific location still need to be addressed but other than that we are sure of what we are going to do.

Sound - will be diagetic and will be a piano scale by In Fear & Faith (used with permission)
Weather - most probably overcast as we are filming in Jan/Feb time
Time - Twilight/ Dusk possibly slightly later depending on lighting availability
Location - still a bit hazy...either ind. estate, private road or bridleway.

Main plotline will be Chris coming out of a ditch and walking along a road towards a camera whilst dragging a dirty spade that will be slightly out of focus. the camera will track him until a certain point and will then stop tracking to allow chris' image to fill the screen at which point he will bring the shovel around into full view, the lighting should show mud and blood on the spade. we could then have the next scene coming in from a fade to black.

We were thinking of mixing the title sequence in with a montage of quick cuts showing small clips of possible progression of the killers resolution to commit the alluded murder, we were then thinking of possibly incorporating some minor credits into scenery e.g, like on cartoons when a character opens a fridge and a producer's name is spelled on the fridge magnets. we may not do the exact same thing but that is a fair example of what we were thinking of doing.

We've got a vague idea of what we want to do in the next scene the opening shot will be of a family happily sitting down to a meal most probably breakfast a complete contrast to the scene we previously saw of chris with the shovel. we were thinking of having diagetic music coming from a radio. We will elaborate on this idea later when we are all together .

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