Friday, 29 January 2010

Sound plan

We currently have a various selection of eerie music. Our music range is:
The taste of regret by In Fear and Faith
Travis Bickle by Emmure
Kiss and Control by AFI
and a reserve track, Broken Statues by We Came As Romans

We are currently unsure of where to use each piece of music, however we will try out each song in the different scenes, as they would all work, and we want to find out which one would work best. However we are definitely using Travis Bickle at the beginning of scene one, the rest will be trial and error. We have permission from the authors.

Also recording of sound will not be an issue, as we have no dialogue, and the tracks will go over everything, although we may use some diegetic sound during the tile sequence, and possibly some during the ditch scene (unless we choose to use/do something else, we will update the blog).

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